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Conduct System

The purpose of the University Housing conduct system is to protect and preserve the University Housing community standards established by both students and staff. Through this joint partnership, both students and staff share equally in determining the kind of living environment that is most conducive to student growth and development. The conduct system provides a timely and orderly process for the investigation and adjudication of alleged violations of these community standards. Violations of University Housing policies may be adjudicated in one of the following manners:

  1. A formal hearing with a Residence Director or Graduate Residence Director.
  2. A formal hearing with an Assistant Director for Residence Life.
  3. Students may be referred to the Dean of Students Office for any and all violations, which may result in a university sanction.

Student Rights in the Judicial Process
An accused student has the right to:

  1. Select a student, faculty or administrative staff member of Oakland University to advise him/her throughout the hearing process.
  2. Be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing; specific charge(s); nature of the evidence; and names of the witnesses to be presented at least 72 hours prior to the hearing.
  3. Receive substantive and procedural due process.
  4. Refuse to attend a hearing (a hearing may be held, and sanctions assigned, in a student’s absence).
  5. Refuse to make self-incriminating statements.
  6. Make a statement on his/her behalf and use witnesses to present his/her case.
  7. Obtain written notification of the decision reached during the hearing.
  8. Appeal the decision to the assistant director for residence life
  9. Waive any of the above rights

Disciplinary Sanctions
The conduct system used by University Housing and the university is exercised as a part of the total learning process in the academic community. It is based on the premise that all individuals be held accountable for their behavior and operates based on a preponderance of evidence. The intention of the University Housing conduct system is to educate, not to punish. The goal in all conduct sanctions is to facilitate positive, responsible and constructive behavior changes.

Before disciplinary sanctions are issued, a student may receive a documented verbal warning from a University Housing staff member. The purpose of a documented verbal warning is to record that a conversation took place between a staff member and a student regarding a policy violation. An accumulation of three documented verbal warnings will be reviewed and may result in further disciplinary action. A record of the documented verbal warning is kept on file.

If a student receives a referral, a hearing is held. If he or she is found responsible for violating a University Housing policy or policies, any one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions may be issued:

University Housing written reprimand – The purpose of a written reprimand is to point out the responsibility to meet certain minimum behavior standards. If the same action or any other violation of the policies and procedures of University Housing is repeated, further disciplinary action will be taken. A record of the written reprimand is kept on file.

University Housing disciplinary warning – This is a strong written warning indicating the resident can expect more severe disciplinary action if the same action or any other violation of the policies and procedures of University Housing is repeated. A record of the disciplinary warning is kept on file.

University Housing probation – A resident placed on probation is not considered to be in good standing in University Housing, and any further violation may lead to suspension or dismissal from housing. A record of the probation status is kept on file.

Suspension from University Housing – A resident is suspended from University Housing for a specific period of time during which all visitation privileges also are suspended. A written request must be submitted to the assistant director for residence life before readmission to housing can be officially approved.

Dismissal from University Housing – A resident is dismissed permanently from University Housing, and all visitation privileges are revoked.

Loss of privileges – Residents may be denied specific privileges for a designated period of time depending on the nature of the violation.

Educational class – A resident may have to attend an educational class as part of his/her sanction.

Educational sanction – Residents may be given an educational sanction which can include, but is not limited to, writing a paper, conducting an interview, making a bulletin board or poster, social media sanction, and/or creating a presentation.

Student Success or Academic Support meetingResidents may be required to attend one or more meetings with the Academic Support staff, who provide support related to coursework and grades.

Assessments – Residents may be assessed for any damage they cause to University Housing property. If the identity of residents responsible for damage is unknown, members of the appropriate room, floor or building will share equally for damage charges. University Housing service charges also may be levied against students who violate University Housing policies and procedures.

Additional sanctions – Additional sanctions, such as community service, work assignments, reading assignments as well as sanctions not expressly listed in this handbook, also may be issued.

A student’s current disciplinary standing will be reviewed prior to issuing a disciplinary sanction. Conduct sanctions are progressive. For example, if you are already on a University Housing warning and you are found responsible for violating another housing policy, the sanction issued may be the next level above the warning – either probation or suspension.

Appeals Process
A student may appeal their conduct hearing outcome under the following grounds:

  • A procedural error or omission occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing (e.g. substantiated bias, material deviation from established procedures, etc.)
  • To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation, that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. A summary of this new evidence and its potential impact must be included.

A request for appeal must be submitted in writing within three (3) business days of the notification of the conduct hearing outcome. The appeal must be submitted to the person identified in the written notification of the decision, usually the housing or university staff member in the position one level above the individual who issued the sanction. Any questions regarding appeals for conduct sanctions may be directed to the Director of University Housing.

University Housing

Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3570

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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