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Policies and Procedures

Student Code of Conduct

The Oakland University (“OU”) Student Code of Conduct (“SCC”) is designed to protect and foster the institution’s role and mission by providing students with an exemplary academic experience, encouraging social responsibility and civility within our campus community and protecting the well-being of the OU community. Please visit the website for more information about the Student Code of Conduct.

Definition of Continuing Education Unit (CEU)

The CEU is a nationally recognized means of recording noncredit study. CEUs are accepted by many employers and agencies as evidence of serious commitment to career advancement and the maintenance of professional competence. One CEU is awarded for 10 hours of class time. Full attendance is a minimal requirement for a CEU to be issued.

Eligibility Disclaimer Statement

Students who register for continuing education (CE) courses and/or programs are not considered part of an undergraduate or graduate degree program at Oakland University. Registration for a CE course does not constitute a formal application for, or matriculation into, an undergraduate or graduate degree program and therefore does not qualify for participation in programs and/or services reserved for matriculated students in degree-granting programs, including but not limited to, Oakland University supported financial aid or on-campus housing.

Oakland University does not allow students earning CEUs to later convert them to academic credit. Students registering in noncredit sections should evaluate whether they wish to earn CEUs or academic credit prior to registration. A retroactive change from CEUs to academic credit, or vice-versa, is prohibited.

Program (duration of more than 5 days)
PACE is responsible for establishing the late registration policy and implementing the policy on behalf of the CE units. Late registration is discouraged, but may be requested by the PACE program or course director.

The form to use for late registration is called Change Request Form and requires a manual addition to the course through PACE. This form, found under the policies and procedures button on the PACE homepage, may be used immediately after the course registration is closed and during the next 5 business days. The form must be complete and signed by the participant requesting the addition and signed by the program director.

Short Courses, Workshops, Camps and Conferences (duration of 4 days or less)
Late registration is not accepted after the first day of the offering, but exceptions may be granted by contacting the director.

The form to use for late registration is called Change Request Form which requires a manual addition to the course through PACE. The form must be complete and signed by the participant requesting the addition and signed by the program director.

Student participants may self-withdraw through the online registration system and receive a refund according to the refund policy noted below. Students may not self-withdraw from on demand courses.

Withdrawal after the course registration start date must be accomplished by request using the PACE Registration Change Request Form found under the Policies and Procedures button on the home page.

Credit card refunds are typically processed in 10 business days and will be applied to the card used for the original transaction.

Students who do not drop their course by the end of the first week of class are responsible for payment of all tuition and other charges, along with any installment plan charges, late payment charges, and all costs and attorney's fees incurred by the University to collect or attempt to collect unpaid tuition and/or other charges. The University will first apply all payments received to the oldest outstanding balances, if applicable, then to the current semester charges.

Refund Policy
To be eligible for a 100% refund for courses that meet either in person, online or distance learning for more than one week students may self-drop online as follows:

  • Any time before the course start date
  • Up to 7 days after the course start date
  • No refunds for tuition, books, or materials will occur after that time

To be eligible for a 100% refund for short courses, workshops, camps, conferences that meet either in person, online or distance learning for one week or less, students may self-drop online as follows:

  • Any time before the course start date
  • No refunds for tuition, books, or materials will occur after that time
  • Eligible SCECH and Professional CEUs are non refundable

On-Demand Course Refund Policy

Students are eligible for a 100% refund:

  • If a drop is requested within the first 7 days after registering and without accessing the course content.
  • If more than 7 days have passed from the date of registration, participants are not eligible for a refund.

Participants must complete and submit the PACE Registration Change Request form linked here to drop the course.

Students may request a refund exception by using the Request for Exception Form. This is used in rare circumstances by death in the family, job loss, or severe illness that requires that person to miss class.

Request for Incomplete Grade

A PACE student who wishes to receive an Incomplete (I) grade in a course must first discuss with their instructor before requesting a form for submission. The Incomplete (I) grade is offered as a temporary measure for extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student. The student, course instructor, and program director (if applicable) must sign the requested form. Work must be completed within six months after the end date of the course. If the work remains incomplete after this date a 0.0 grade will be assigned to the course.

The student must initiate the request for an incomplete grade before the end of the academic term by requesting an Incomplete Grade Form from their course instructor or Program Director (if applicable)

Incomplete grades may be given only in the following circumstances:

  • The student's work to date is passing;
  • Students have completed at least 70 percent of the total coursework requirements;
  • An illness or other extenuating circumstance (such as death of immediate family member) legitimately prevents completion of required work by the due date;
  • Required work may reasonably be completed in an agreed-upon time frame (up to 6 months after the end date of the course) and does not require the student to re-take any portion of the course;
  • The incomplete is not given as a substitute for a failing grade;
  • The incomplete is not based solely on a student's failure to complete work or as a means of raising his or her grade by doing additional work after the grade report time;
  • Students are not allowed to "re-take" or sit in the course the following semester as a condition of the incomplete. If the circumstances are such that the student is meeting the requirements of the course at the time of the "I" grade, then only the remainder of the course content is required to be completed.
  • The instructor and student discuss the terms for the Incomplete
    in writing before the end of the term.

Students may encounter problem situations during their course of study at Oakland University that may require review by appropriate administrative or academic personnel. This is a description of the problem-resolution  by the university. The procedure provides a fact-finding system for resolving problems between students and faculty or staff members when a review of the issue is not available through other established university procedures.In some cases (e.g. discrimination and harassment), the university has specific procedures which must be followed.

Each student, faculty member, administrator and staff member has an obligation to resolve problems fairly through discussion between the aggrieved student(s)and the specific university person immediately involved with the problem.

PACE Academic Complaint
Each academic department has its own internal procedure for resolving complaints about classroom situations. A copy of the relevant grievance procedure may be obtained from the involved academic department or school. The student must first contact the department or school and follow the respective grievance procedure within that department. Depending on the department, the chair, Director or designee may hear the facts of the case or refer it to an internal committee. If the problem is not resolved at this step, the student may contact the dean of the college or school to continue the problem resolution process.For cases involving grade disputes and classroom procedures but not involving discrimination, harassment or illegal behavior, the process stops at the dean/director level.
PACE Non-Academic Complaint
If the problem is not academically related, the student must first contact the program director or coordinator and follow the respective grievance procedure within that program or be referred to the responsible unit. If the problem is not resolved at this step, the student may then contact the Director of Professional and Continuing Education to seek final resolution. For nonacademic complaints, appeals stop at the director of Professional and Continuing Education.

Complaint Process:
  1. Student/Participant must email detailed description of complaint along with corresponding documentation to [email protected].
  2. PACE Director will contact the complainant with a resolution or to formalize a meeting as part of the complaint exploration process.

Emergency Alerts
View information on the OUPD website about emergency situations and alerts. Sign up to receive emergency alerts from Oakland University.

Winter Weather Closure Policy
View general closure information from the OU Police Department. Please contact your program director to confirm any closures at off-site and alternate locations outside of campus. Additionally, you can view the complete University Closing Policy.

OU Libraries
Oakland University Continuing Education (PACE) students and faculty are entitled to a complimentary guest card through the OU library. Read more information about guest cards.

Campus Recreation for PACE Participants
PACE participants are eligible to purchase current membership options through the Recreation Center at a continuing student rate discount. Rates: $30/month or $100 for 4 months of Rec Center access. Memberships can be purchased at the Rec Center front desk.

Transcript Requests

Please email [email protected] for transcript requests. Continuing education transcripts typically take up to 10 business days to process and may take longer based on your last date of attendance/graduation date. 

Oakland University welcomes Michigan Works and other displaced workers. We understand the struggles you are facing, and that's why we offer a variety of resources focused on:

Follow the steps below to take full advantage of the programs and services offered at Oakland University.

  1. Register with Michigan Works: Go online to Michigan Works to begin the registration process.
  2. Explore Opportunities: Review the academic, student service and financial aid resources listed on this site.
  3. Get Help: Take advantage of free or low-cost personal and career counseling (through the Adult Career Counseling Center) offered right here on campus.
  4. Meet with an Adviser: Contact an academic adviser from the program you wish to pursue (undergraduate or graduate). An adviser can help you complete documents regarding your program plan and financial costs.

Step 1
Student meets with a representative of the OU Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) and provides the following documentation of a disability request for accommodations. A definitive diagnosis of a disability must be identified in the documentation. Details regarding the required documentation for each disability can be found at the DSS website.

Note: If a student does not have documentation and requires testing, the testing process could take a minimum of six to eight weeks to complete.

Step 2
Students who do not meet with DSS before classes begin should meet with DSS, with their documentation, as soon as possible, ideally a minimum of six weeks before services are required. It is the student's responsibility to register with DSS and request accommodations!

Step 3
DSS staff will review the student's supporting documentation to determine sufficiency and eligibility for accommodations. If additional testing is required, temporary accommodations may be granted while documentation is completed.

Step 4
The DSS Office will retain a copy of all records and meeting notes.

Step 5
DSS staff will complete and sign the Faculty Notification Letter. The student will be asked to sign the letter indicating agreement with suggested accommodations and understanding of his or her responsibility. It is the student's responsibility to a provide copy of the notification letter to the PACE Director who in turn will share with the Program Director.

Prior to the start of each new PACE term, students must obtain a new, updated Faculty Notification Letter from DSS and give a copy of this letter to the PACE Director who will in turn provide it to the Program Director. The Faculty Notification Letter will not be part of the academic record of the student and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis.

Step 6
The PACE Director will review the letter to determine appropriateness of all requests based on and discuss concerns with the student, Program Director and DSS as appropriate.

Step 7
The PACE Director, in collaboration with the Program Directors and PACE faculty, will coordinate the provision of accommodations.

Professional and Continuing Education

Pawley Hall, Room 440G
456 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-3177

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